Tanzeel Student Management system went through a major update on August 27, 2021. We have been working on this update for quite some time. While a big chunk of the updates were related to admin functions; to help better serve our students and their families, the student dashboard and functionality also received some major updates. Below are some noteworthy ones:
Free Trial classes; No Credit Card required
We are excited to introduce a Free Trial class function on our system. The trial classes can be taken advantage of by any prospective students. The classes are booked for 30 minutes; actual class time is 25 minutes. Trial students are also allowed to reschedule their class ONCE as well as able to select a new class if they missed the first one.
New Price Plans for new enrolments
All new student enrolment; whether after a new trial class or current students adding new secondary users under their account, will have to pay according to the new Price plans. This has been announced about 4 months back and we are now live with the changes on the system. The new prices reflect our commitment to our teachers to give them a living wage. Cost of living in Egypt has more than quadrupled over the past 5 years and we need to look after our teachers. Tanzeel continues to have a non profit with 100% volunteer board and zero management fees. All proceeds from tuition go towards our Egypt staff and IT staff.
As of now, current students can only enrol new secondary users for full hour classes. Half hour class enrolment are not yet available to existing students. Only new students can enrol in half hour or full hour times at the new prices.
No fee increase for existing students
With the new update, there is no fee increase for existing students. Students enrolled before August 27, 2021 will continue to benefit from the lower price of $6.50 USD/class until further notice. We will give everyone a heads up at least one month in advance before increasing the prices – as we struggle to provide better wages for our teachers.
Parents are now able to enter children’s classroom from their account:
Previously parents were not able to enter their children’s account directly from the parental account. Some parents were having difficulty accessing children’s classes so we are now allowing parents to log into the child’s class from their account. Children can continue to enter classroom via their own accounts – and we recommend that they continue to do so.
If you are a parent who is not him/herself a student, you will see “Go to Class” button added on the dashboard – beside each child’s name/account details.

If you are a parent who is also a student with us, you will be able to use this function from “Secondary Users” page.

Quality Control: Consent to record classes
We have also introduced a consent function for Adult students and Parents. The consent is for automated & randomized class-recordings for quality control purposes. The recordings will NOT include any video/camera feed of student or teacher. We have spent a lot of time developing and testing this feature in order to ensure maximum privacy of our students and teachers. We take this matter very seriously as many of our female teachers generally wear Niqaab and they uncover their faces during the classes.
The recordings will be deleted automatically every 45 days once our Quality control staff reviews them; not all students or all classes will be recorded. Adult Students will receive a pop-up message like below:

Parents with Children can provide consent from their Profile page: My Profile > Manage Settings

Phone Number verification
We are constantly trying to improve communication with our students. In order to provide better support and services as well as to enhance security, we need all adult students and parents to provide their mobile phone numbers and verify them through a text message. You will be prompted to complete this task upon login. Select Country code from the dropdown on the left and enter number without country code on the field on the right.
In sha Allah, we will start making phone calls to new students and parents gradually as more and more students verify their phone numbers.

Improved Live Support via Facebook Messenger
We have now integrated Facebook Messenger to our Student Management system in order to better serve our students. We have support staff who will be online during class hours to provide live support. You don’t need to log into Facebook to start a chat.
